• What we do not do

We do not post details of vacancies on our website. Many are confidential, and the information we hold is often extremely detailed. Both candidates and clients have subjective requirements and we do not believe that such a broad brush approach is appropriate in our market.

If you are not actively seeking a new opportunity, but would like to be made aware of a particular type of role, simply let us know.

We will not try to persuade you to move to a new position to suit us. We take the view that, when the time is right for you, you will respect and appreciate the way we are able to assist you, and allow us to work with you.

If that should be 12 months from now, so be it. In the meantime, we would hope that you maybe able to help us with a little research or networking and we too, will keep you advised of movements and developments in the market.

We do not automatically acknowledge any communication from you – we appreciate security and confidentiality issues